Photo of Apex Rehab telehealth visit

Virtual Care | Physical Therapy Telehealth

Apex Physical Rehabilitation & Wellness offers virtual care as an additional way for patients to meet and connect with their physical therapist.  While your virtual visits are not a substitute for the hands-on treatment received during in-person visits, they can be beneficial for:

  1. Video Observation: Telehealth sessions can help you check home exercises by having your therapist observe and guide your form on a video call.
  2. Evaluate Indications for Physical Therapy Intervention: Even without a physical exam, your Apex physical therapist can evaluate key aspects of your condition, discuss symptoms, and recommend a suggested plan of care.
  3. Educational Discussions: A primary purpose of Apex telehealth is to provide quick access to appointments to educate you on strategies for managing your condition, checking your progress, and sharing information for improving overall health.
  4. Referring to Specialists: Apex virtual consultations are an ideal way to discuss referral to other orthopedic specialists.

An Apex Virtual Visit is a way to improve your overall patient experience. In addition, your physical therapy telehealth sessions can work well for people facing logistical challenges such as mobility or transportation issues. However, virtual visits are not a substitute for clinic visits.

Tips For Getting The Most Out of Your Physical Therapy Telehealth Visit

Physical therapy telehealth visits are a convenient and effective way to receive care from your therapist without leaving your home. However, there are some things you can do to prepare for your visit and make the most of your session. Here are some tips to help you get ready:

  1. Test your technology. Before your visit, make sure you have a reliable internet connection, a device with a camera and microphone, and a compatible platform or app that your therapist will use to communicate with you. Unless you are advised otherwise, ZOOM will be the platform. You may want to test the video and audio quality beforehand and adjust the settings as needed. You should also charge your device or have it plugged in during the session.
  2. Have your information ready. Have your medical history, current medications, symptoms, goals, and questions ready to share with your therapist. You may also want to have a pen and paper handy to take notes or write down instructions from your therapist. If you have any relevant documents, such as reports or images from other providers, please send or upload to your Apex account before the session, or be prepared to share them on screen during the visit.
  3. Find a suitable space. Choose a quiet, well-lit, and private area where you can move comfortably and safely. If exercises may be involved, make sure you have enough room to perform the exercises. You may also need some props, such as a chair, a towel, or a pillow, depending on your condition and treatment plan.
  4. Dress appropriately. Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing that allows you to move freely and does not obscure your body parts that need to be assessed or treated. For example, if you have a knee problem, wear shorts or pants that can be rolled up. You may also want to wear shoes that provide good support and stability.
  5. Be prepared to participate. A telehealth visit is not a passive experience. You will be expected to actively engage with your therapist, follow their instructions, perform the exercises, provide feedback, and ask questions. Your therapist will monitor your progress and adjust the treatment accordingly. You should also be honest and realistic about your pain level, limitations, and expectations.

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